Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is Education Worth Fighting For?

Malala Yousafzai Speaking Before the UN General Assembly

October 12, 2013 has now become "Malala Day" - a day for all students in the global community to share their thoughts about Malala and address the issue of education for all.  What are your thoughts? 


  1. Atira Meade. I think that it is a good idea to recognize this day as Malala Day so you can remember the courageous act of this young girl. I also think that her fight is a good fight. She believes in education for both genders. So, I think it is a good idea to have Malala Day and this might also encourage other extremist countries to give equal rights to girls/women.

  2. I think that Malala Day was a good idea to make it a holiday. It is wonderful because it gives us a day to think about what an important girl did on that day. I think what Malala did was right. She fought for women's rights which was a great thing. She is a very brave girl because of she skope up for. This day may provide a good idea to people in other counreies that do not believe in equal rights.

    1. How do you break the streotypes thoughts because malala got people thinking not changed. Tell me how she effected people thoughts and who made a change.

  3. I think she did do an impact but not a high one think about it there were and is many people that fight for education but get no credit why does malala get all the credit I'm not saying that she is not doing an impact I'm just saying why not listen to others speak out there opion in this matter Malala has done a nice thing and spoke up but how do you listen to her when the streotypes have good reasons and have ways to convince you in to thinking education is not worth fighting for I want to know????? (I want your opion I know the answer but I want your answer)

    1. Education is worth fighting for because education takes us every where we go, without education you will be looked down by others and also without education you will not be able to achieve your goal.

  4. I think education is worth fighting for because kids and teen today reject and regret the education we have to today and we need to stop. We have people that want an education and we are just sitting around not wanting to learn. We want less hours of school they want more hours to learn and get more information. We try not to talk about school and they are FIGHTING for it. How do you reject something that will help you with everyday life. I want to know your opion on how do you feel about people rejecting education

  5. I think education is fighting,for beacause education is good for everyone so,they can get a good life ahead of them.So they can,be someone in the future some day.

    1. Do you think people besides malala can fight for education

    2. It think people besides Malala can fight for education even you can be an education activist.

  6. Malala day is a great idea and I fully support it, so long as we don't force it on a people who's culture does not support it. All cultures have some value in this world and we should respect it so long as it not teach you to blow your self up!

    1. Yes you are right who want to be pressured into doing somethi

  7. I don't agree because we should not fight for education because every body should has education. And we should all get together to help the kids from Pakistan so they could has education so they could be someone in life.

  8. I think malala day is a good thing because it gives Peale a chance to think about how good education is

  9. I think education is worth fighting for so without education u wouldn't be able to get a job and without a job u wouldn't to be able to get money so not having a education has a domino effect

    1. What's happen if your moms still takes care of you

  10. I really do think education is worth fighting for because some people really struggle out there for an education. People should support Malala because if it wasn't for her people still would of been getting shot and very hurt. Malala inspired people and young women to like school and go to school for free without worrying if they gonna get shot.

    1. #Facts I totally agree with you

  11. You don't want your kids to sell these liltle bags in the corner when they could have and education. People should look up all these other women that did really want our kids to have an education.

  12. Today malala yousafai I honored today beacause she stood up she was brave but when the Taliban shoot her She had,to go to the hospital so she can get recovered.then she stood up with bravey an said a Good,an important speech about people Fighting for education

  13. I think that Malala deserve that day because what she did was really brave.malala says that Malala day is for everybody not only for her.i think she says that Malala day is for everybody because all the kids need an education

  14. I think that Malala Day was a good idea to make it a holiday. It is wonderful because it gives us a day to think about what an important girl did on that day. I think what Malala did was right. She fought for women's rights which was a great thing. She is a very brave girl because of she skope up for. This day may provide a good idea to people in other counreies that do not believe in equal rights. Malala is a brave girl because other people will not have the ability to stand up to the Pakistans . I really agree is should be a " Malala day " .

  15. I think that education is worth fighting for because for a lot of things in the world you need an education for a job sometimes you need just a high school education

  16. I think that we should all accept that October 12,2013 is malala's day because she help the others girls to not be afraid of the people that have guns who are illiterate. Since you know how to read and write, they should be afraid of you.

  17. Today,people that have a career goal,an a education want's to lead to a good place not a bad but in a good way for people so when there,kids grow up they can be someone in the future ounce.:)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I Think that Malala is a good person for fighting so girls can go to school:)
